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Concept overview in the project github has a bunch of details. There is a POC online at http://SearchMy.Space/search.cgi
The POC only indexes data from the Events dataset. Other datasets mentioned below are planned. Some for event or POI data, others for conditions relating to an event linked by location.
Some of the awards nominated look for various benefits. Roughly, the solution relates to these by:
Giving members of the public the abiliy to find healthy/safe/fun things to do and see.
Alerting people to potential inconveniences and/or dangers around an event or POI they plan to visit
By Aggregating data this solution could realise the value of IoT solutions by linking them in context to events. For example the extra detail on a result could show via a bluetooth beacon how many people are already at an event. Likewise an internet enabled camera could feed the detailed results screen with a live view of an event as it unfolds.
Promoting commercial efforts that provide events and POI
Allowing service providers to find upcoming events which they might leverage