Our aim is to enable users to make informed travel decisions by utilising our website, which lets the user input their origin and destination and utilises the BOM API to display current and forecast weather conditions at these locations.
We have created a travel risk measure based on crash rates on road links in wet and dry weather for each season of the year and by periods of the day.
The measure is relative to the average crash rates across Victoria, and uses BOM historical data to ascertain whether crashes occurred in wet or dry weather.
Team website:
Team name
Three is a crowd
State, Territory or Country
Event location
Project website
Datasets used
Dataset Name
Bureau of Meteorology API
Dataset URL
Dataset Name
VicRoads Crash Data
Dataset Name
Spatial Services Flood Data
Dataset Name
Bureau of Meteorology Historical Data
Dataset Name
Vic Roads Traffic Volumes
Source code and Material URL
Source code and Material file
DropBox_Files.zip9.94 MB
Video file
wondering_weather_FINAL.mp428.59 MB