Beeware (Waspémon Go)

The Bee Ware (Waspémon Go) project is an augmented reality game for people aged 6 and over.

It allows users to play a game, where they utilise the camera in their devices to eliminate virtual wasps in the world setting around them.

In addition to this gaming and entertainment component, this project will also deliver social benefits. The project will use GPS data, google geolocation services and data from the ACT government to alert users to the likelihood of coming across real life wasps based on ACT Government data. The app will rate the probability of this likelihood.

The project will also allow users to report incident involving wasps in real time. The information provided by the user will be forwarded to the DIISCOVER team's google account).

The app was implemented in C# using the Unity game engine ( with Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition.

In addition to the AR component, the app determines the user's GPS coordinates and uses Google's geocoding API to determine the current suburb and matches it to the ACT waps nest database.


Team name
State, Territory or Country
Event location
Datasets used
Dataset Name
ACT Open Data (Location Of European Wasps Nests)
Source code and Material file
Project image
Video URL (YouTube/Vimeo)