Childcare Availability Factor(s)

As parents, we all want the best for our kids, and that includes an early childhood education. Unfortunately, for many Australians, there is a great shortage of childcare vacancies. This need is further compounded for households with both parents working and women looking to get back into the workforce. There is clearly higher demand than services provided for Australians. But is this uniform across all of NSW?


Who is interested and Why:


·         New parents on Paternity/Maternity Leave

-         Parents moving households/new migrants

-         Both parents working

·          Paying $30 to get alerts from Childcare data aggregators

Dept Of Education and Training:

·         Where to fund

-         Encourage workforce growth for  equipped ed Childcaregivers/staff


What questions does  this project seek to answer:

   - How do you rank  the drivers that are vital for future childcare landscape?

·   How accurate are you able to predict demands from data?

·   What if as a parent you could  decide best location to settle after child birth?

·   What if you could make informed decision to choose right childcare location in a timely fashion?


How do we plan to do it

-Create a foundation based on data from SILO-ed systems

-Leverage Opensource tools like Weka , Rapidminer to use state of art Machine learning algorithms to gain deep insights



Team name
State, Territory or Country
Event location
Datasets used
Dataset Name
Child Care Administrative Data
Dataset Name
Census 2016
Dataset Name
Dataset Name
ATO DAta for govhack 2017
Project image
Video URL (YouTube/Vimeo)