Court Me

Navigating the legal system can be a complex, time consuming and confusing process. Court Me aims to simplify this by offering a web form based system for finding out about what legal services are available for a users situation or dispute.

This was implemented by first analysing the data on the QLD Courts website to generate a flowchart describing the various options available for avenues within the QLD legal systems. From this flowchart a web form was created.

Future Development

As this was a single person team and there were time constraints, only a subset has been implemented in the current project. Further development would see more courts and types added, as well as the various tribunals and alternative dispute resolution options added.

Team name
Court Me
State, Territory or Country
Event location
Datasets used
Dataset Name
QLD Courts
Dataset Name
QLD Courthouse Locations
Source code and Material file
Video URL (YouTube/Vimeo)