

by Heckermen


Using A-Frame, jQuery and homebrew Blender assets, we have created a web application to “physically” represent data in a more comprehensible and visual form than .csv files and spreadsheets. This allows users to understand the scale of their data.

For example, when demonstrating how much oil a person consumes in a given timeframe, Distance uses assets rendered in Blender (for instance, a barrel of oil) to visually display data from otherwise incomprehensibly large datasets and making them much more visually intuitive, representative and tangible.


1) Current population and predicted populations to draw comparisons and extrapolation.
2) Petroleum usage data over time
3) Budget 2017-2018 capital works

Frameworks, Programs and Assets


Written and published by Roan Atkinson, Jack Carey, Madoc Cottle, Ben Daniell, James Greatbanks and Carla Sanfrancesco for the GovHack 2017 Canberra event.

Team name
State, Territory or Country
Event location
Datasets used
Dataset Name
Population Projections by Region
Dataset Name
Australian Demographic Statistics
Dataset Name
Australian Petroleum Statistics
Dataset Name
Australian Petroleum Statistics
Project image
Video URL (YouTube/Vimeo)