Equality Fun-D(ata)


We wanted to make a decision-making and data exploration tool for those interested, living or working in Australia who have to deal with solving issues in income and transportation inequality. That is where Equality FunData began.


What can we do with all this GovHack information?... the answer is; lots of things!

Our 'People of the Postcode' visualisation shows the breakdown of average income per postcode. Exposing the relationship between proximity to a city and the average level of taxation.

Ever wanted to see where the economic Centre of Sydney lies? 
It might not be where you think it is. We have visualised where it is now, and where it is forecast to go... see 'Economic Shift' visualisation. 

Ever wondered how much people pay for their public transport? Or how well serviced different ethnic groups and centres in the city are? How areas on the fringe or remote of the city are serviced? Are some treated better than others? Explore travel times blended with the data from two maps above with our 'Travel Time' visualisation. 

This suite of geeky tools is made possible by data generously provided by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), Transport for NSW (TFNSW), Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and contributors to OpenStreetMap (OSM). It is highly recommended to watch the video first, to get the most out of it! 


** VISUALISATION 1: People of the Postcode 

This visualisation explores taxation data per postcode to understand the geographical positioning for financial statistics in a 'follow-the-money' representation.

An easy assumption is that higher income areas cluster around capital cities. An anomalyous sighting is evident in southern regional areas in Western Australia showing consistent average income to higher income area in a capital city.

Have a look around, can you find:

- Any area of Australia with average income over 100,000?
- Population divide within capital cities? 
- Areas of inequality? 


** VISUALISATION 2: Economic Shift

Where is the true economic centre of Sydney? Turns out it is somewhere next to the Parramatta river.

What is even more interesting is that the centre seems to be moving west almost 70 metres each year! At this rate, Parramatta will become the true economic centre of Sydney in the next 50 years.

Additionally, housing follows a similar trend but has a headstart on the westerly migration.

Do our infrastructure priorities match this thesis?

Where do you think population and economic centres of the other capital cities are?
This can be applied to the other cities with similar data available. 


** VISUALISATION 3: Travel Times

This map combines the previous two and explores the relationship between travel time, income and centres in Sydney. It uses the GTFS timetable and OpenStreetmap to draw travel time Origin-Destination lines between the postcode data, the employment centre of Sydney and the three 'cities' as part of Sydney's future strategy. The thicker the line, the more population can get to that location in a particular timeframe. Summary statistics of the demographic of the catchment to each destination are also captured. 

Interact with the toggles and the map can help understand the following questions:

What areas are accessible in a reasonable commute time? What population can access them?

Which areas are only accessible by certain sects of the population?

Which areas / groups of people cannot access any of the centres at all?

Are there high population areas on the fringe which are disadvantaged?

How do we connect better remote communities?

Who is getting the best deal? Is our infrastructure changing fast enough to cater for our shift in population and jobs?

Does amount of tax dollars spent affect travel time? (Minute per $1000 spent used as a metric)


TfNSW GTFS Timetable Data Release
Open Trip Planner (Routing)
Individual Tax Returns - ATO - 2015
ABS Census - 2011 

Our Hacker Toolbox: Excel, FME, Coffee, Python, Carto, Coffee, Javascript, HTML/CSS


Next steps?

Next year, we would like to use data about specific infrastructure projects in the future, and in the current year, so we can create an even stronger equality exploration tool and message. 


PROJECT URL: https://rapsac11.github.io/

Video URL (YouTube/Vimeo)