
Greensland is about the vibrant life just down the road - at the park. How often have we rationalised not taking a quick walk down to our local green areas with thoughts like "It might be dirty with not enough bins" or "Does it even have the gym equipment I want or the play equipment for my kids?". With extensive park related open government data, Greensland addresses this aspect of healthy community engagement by showing you what's out there and giving you an easy avenue to provide feedback on what might be missing, or not really necessary.

Greensland provides a VR interface of your local park to show you the individual items with their real positions - it also incorporates Brisbane event feeds to find out nearby events to further encourage you to get out and about! Who knew the park on the next block had a movie night on Thursdays and Yoga on Saturdays?

Want to provide valuable feedback to your local council? Let them know there aren't enough bins, or the kids in your neighbourhood need some play equipment. With intermittent prompt questions about your local parks, Greensland gathers information about what is important to the community.

Team name
State, Territory or Country
Event location
Datasets used
Dataset Name
Park facilities and assets
Dataset Name
Brisbane City Council events
Dataset Name
Brisbane City Council Events locations
Dataset Name
Total number of park facilities and items
Project image
Video URL (YouTube/Vimeo)