
The aim of our project is to evaluate the “customer-satisfaction with hospital” using both Twitter data plus and Government Data  .
Our project will help patients and the Brisbane city council to understand customer satisfaction based on both twitter data based on open government  data .  We will analyse the data and visualise the routes according to customer satisfaction. Hospitals and Tweets from three regions:  Brisbane, Gold Coast and Ipswich  are analysed.  Thus, this project will enable patients and these three city councils to reduce the cost, to find a better clinic place  and to improve customer satisfaction in near-real time.  It will help patients or health researchers to find a good hospital without lots of complaints!

Team name
Health Queensland
State, Territory or Country
Event location
Datasets used
Dataset Name
Queensland public hospitals
Dataset Name
Immunisation clinics, locations and times
Dataset Name
Twitter Developer Documentation
Dataset Name
Health expenditure in Australia
Dataset Name
The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children
Dataset Name
Stocktake of Australian Government Subsidised Aged Care Places
Dataset Name
City of Gold Coast – Free Immunisation Clinics
Dataset Name
AUSGeoid98 v.1.0 data files: Ipswich (sg56-14)
Project image
Video URL (YouTube/Vimeo)