HotorNot Spot

Using the Adelaide Free Wi-Fi connections data set HotorNot Spot uses the maximum connections recorded in a 1 hour period along with the longitude and latitude coordinates for each Wi-Fi access point to demonstrate how live data could be used to create a real time heat map. Are you looking for the most popular coffee shop near you? A bustling open space? Maybe you're after a quite workspace? Or you simply want to know where all the hot spots are?

Know the city? Use the Google map mode overlay to quickly find what you're after. Want to filter or search by location type, popularity, and find out how to get there? Use the Here Maps mode to really find out whether that spot is hot or not!

HotorNot Spot could be deployed by Local Government Authorities or other organisations with access to real-time (or close to) usage data through their existing websites and apps. While would provide a singular web space for LGAs and other organisations to register their location and provide a live data stream to the platform.

Check out the prototype site at

Project image
Video URL (YouTube/Vimeo)