NDIS WA Service Provider Maps

The NDIS WA information is sometimes difficult to interpret. I wanted to list all the service providers and the trial regions but this had a number of challenges. My idea was to create a google map with the regions (using the landgate shapefile) and the locations from the NDIS WA website.

The major challenge was the data. I wanted to add more functionality but cleaning the data was the majority of the weekend.

The main technical hiccups was the detail in the region boundaries caused the file to exceed the google maps kml limit.

There is more information about the project here - https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/ndis-wa/about.html


I know these maps will be used. The need for a map like this was raised last week. It is a shame that it didn't fit nicely into the competition categories.


Team name
One in 106
State, Territory or Country
Event location
Datasets used
Dataset Name
Local Government Authority (LGA) Boundaries (LGATE-006)
Dataset Name
Lower South West service provider search
Dataset Name
Cockburn-Kwinana area service provider search
Dataset Name
Armadale, Serpentine-Jarrahdale and Murray service provider search
Project image
Video URL (YouTube/Vimeo)