Oh no not again

This is project is looking at history to enhance our future.  Sustainable New Zealand looks at the ideas of Michael Joseph Savage  that were proven to work in 1935-1940.  The state housing projects of the time not only created work that gave people many useful skills but also gave homes to the people at the bottom of that had none.  These home gave a safe environment for people to raise families making the country a better place.   This investment by the government paid for itself over the decades past and was not only a good social investment but a sound financial one to.

So the core of this project is a series of art works using data from DigitalNZ to bring awareness of how beneficial Michael Joseph Savage was into making New Zealand and how this could be done again with the same results.



Team name
Oh no not again
State, Territory or Country
Event location
Datasets used
Dataset Name
Video URL (YouTube/Vimeo)