Off Peak


Tourism is one of New Zealand's largest export earners. However, we currently only have a large number of visitors during peak seasons (Dec-Nov) and our infrastructure is struggling to cope. 

Off Peak is our team's response to the problem statement: How might we increase the number of tourists to NZ during off peak time (Mar-Nov)?

We have collated and analyzed a number of data sets from a range of sources (Stats NZ, NIWA, and developed a web app targeted at international tourists to encourage travel during our off peak times by highlighting the advantages of travel during these periods. Our proof of concept currently allows visitors to compare data sets between two months and displays the average monthly number of visitors, accommodation occupancy rates, kumara prices and radiation levels between the two months selected, as well as a graph displaying the monthly average values over a full year. Data is stored in a DocumentDB database connected through a .NET app to our front-end UI. 

Extending the functionality of our solution in the future would involve collecting additional information from the user such as age, country of origin or interests through connecting to social apps like Facebook or Google+. Using this information, we could present more personalised information to the user - like activity ideas targeted to their interests during off-peak months, average costs for travellers in their age bracket, and average flight prices to New Zealand from their country of origin for the months selected. 


Demo site:

Demo site with hardcoded data:

Demo site with DNS name:


Team name
Auckland Fish Market Opening Hours
State, Territory or Country
Event location
Datasets used
Dataset Name
Accommodation Survey - Occupancy Rate by Region (Monthly)
Dataset Name
International Travel and Migration - Visitor arrival totals (Monthly)
Dataset Name
Mean daily global radiation
Dataset Name
Food Price Index: Selected Monthly Weighted Average Prices for New Zealand (Monthly) April 2017
Project image
Video URL (YouTube/Vimeo)