Pick Me Up NT (App)


Alice Springs Town Council and numerous other NT jurisdictions typically do not have hard rubbish collection services. Alice Springs Town Council also does not have curbside recycling waste pickup.

Currently such waste must be delivered by residents to waste processing centres and sorted OR pick-up arranged via private industry.

Aim / Problem Solving:

1. We want to make it really easy residents to implement a waste pickup service that doesn't add to cost to ratepayers - which is often the reason given for not having curbside recycling in its various forms.

Using today's app technologies makes it really easy to synchronise address data with other data (such as rateable property or not, rates up-to-date etc, accumulated e-waste quantities etc.) so that a pickup regime can be implemented efficiently.

Further, this tool could be used to private enterprise to know what locations in town are ready for pickup and ensure that pickup is timely and location targeted.

2. We also wanted to ensure that bush properties are not excluded from the potential of this type of service. We want to splice the excellent authoritative dataset stored in BushTel.nt.gov.au with Google address API. 

Key use:

- Based on street locations, arrange changes to status of recyclables for pickup.
- Based on street locations, arrange changes to status of waste items (e.g. e-waste, car body)

Also can be used for many other things:

- asset replacement.
- coordinate timing of assessments by service providers or coordination of contractor visits.
- indicate resident willingness to participate in particular service delivery initiatives. E.g. grants schemes.

This project uses:  

- (Google Address API + NT BushTel Lot Numbers)

Team name
State, Territory or Country
Event location
Datasets used
Dataset Name
Rates Due Dates
Project image
Video URL (YouTube/Vimeo)