
Thunderstorm asthma hit Victoria in November 2016 with all its pollen fueled fury, how can be predict the next one?

By combining data from BOM, EPA Victoria, Melbourne Pollen Count and Forecast and Deakin AIRwatch we can do better.

The BOM can look at temperature, humidity, air pressure and wind speed and direction data to predict thunderstorms, the Pollen counting centres can do their daily counts and the EPA can add in the PM2.5/PM10 data.

Add to that more sensors and more data from around the nation and we can have a better idea of the next thunderstorm asthma event.

Team name
make things better
State, Territory or Country
Event location
Datasets used
Dataset Name
BOM : Rainfall and temperature forecast and observations - verification 2016-05 to 2017-04
Dataset Name
Dataset Name
EPA Victoria : Historic air quality data table
Dataset Name
EPA Victoria API
Dataset Name
Melbourne Pollen Count and Forecast