What’s my best way home?

How can we use Victoria's open Government data to help the community find the quickest and safest way home? Is there a way to encourage crowd-sourcing of data anomalies?

Award Sponsor

Victorian Government - Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning - Land Use Victoria

Projects for this award:

Project Title Team name Event location State, Territory or Country
Bliss Travel Bliss Travellers Melbourne Victoria
Can we make Victorian roads safer!! Super_Road_Analytics Melbourne Victoria
CommuteAlert CommuteAlert Wyndham Victoria
Flow AI Casey Re-routers Casey Victoria
Light Night Doo-wops Melbourne Victoria
Melbournians' Pace One Big Mess Ballarat Victoria
MySmart Community Smart WYNners Wyndham Victoria
Project NeXT Team API Wyndham Victoria
SaferRoads ShawTech Melbourne Victoria
SafetyCam TeamOne Ballarat Victoria
Take Care! Guardians Melbourne Victoria
Up and go Arvis Melbourne Victoria
Wondering Weather Three is a crowd Melbourne Victoria