ABS Website

abs.gov.au is the main website of the ABS, Australia’s national statistical agency. It provides access to download trusted, official statistics on a wide range of economic, social, population and environmental matters of importance to Australia:

Economic Statistics including Australia’s Key Economic Indicators, Business Indicators, Finance, Government and Trade

Industry Statistics including Manufacturing, Agriculture, Building and Construction, Energy, Mining, Tourism, Transport and Technology and Innovation

Social Statistics including population estimation and projections, interstate and overseas migration, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, Education, Housing, Recreation and Crime and Justice

Labour Statistics including employment and unemployment, earnings and work hours

Health Statistics including Causes of Death, Disability, Health Conditions and Risk Factors, and Mental Health,

and much more...

If you have questions about the how to find or understand ABS data please get in touch at #talk-stats in the GovHack Slack.