Community Environment Data

How can environmental data be made meaningful at the community and suburban level? How can we use EPA data to help people appreciate and understand their local environment. How can we encourage individuals to collect, interpret and share (with the EPA) their own environmental data?

Award Sponsor

Victorian Government - Environment Protection Authority

Projects for this award:

Project Title Team name Event location State, Territory or Country
Adopt-a-Tree Brimbank Tree Huggers Brimbank Victoria
AtThis.Space Flaming ???? ???? Unicorns Melbourne Victoria
EPA Air Quality moss Latrobe Valley Victoria
Greenhack GreenHack Wyndham Victoria
Litterly-Awesome Litterly-Awesome Melbourne Victoria
MySmart Community Smart WYNners Wyndham Victoria
Parks+ Brimbank Victoria
Project NeXT Team API Wyndham Victoria Ballarat Victoria
TreeMate IDeEA Lab Wyndham Victoria
TreePlayer TreePlayer Melbourne Victoria
WeatherGo We-Go Ballarat Victoria
WyndhamEye TenSlackers Wyndham Victoria