Dot space active connects you to people and motivates you to get out of the house and utilise facilities near to you.
- Do the activities you enjoy with like-minded people when it suits you.
- Get notifications when activities that interest you are happening nearby.
- Use Alexa to express interest in an activity.
- Receive information and recommendations on weather (ABS Grid data).
- Automatically check and book local facilities.
- Rate facilities, providing feedback to councils and providers as well as ensuring you secure the best facilities for you when they are available.
- Rank others abilities to ensure you're always having fun and getting a challenge.
- That's Numberwang!
- Score is Q to 12!
Team name
State, Territory or Country
Event location
Project website
Datasets used
Dataset Name
Bureau of Meteorology portal for GovHack 2017
Dataset URL
Dataset Name - Ballarat Indoor Recreation Facilities
Dataset Name - Ballarat Sports Grounds
Dataset Name - Wyndham Sports Grounds
Dataset Name
dataACT - Sports Grounds in the ACT
Dataset Name
dataACT - Fitness Sites
Source code and Material URL