How can we make donations easy and accessible for charity campaigns and street collections

Our challenge to you is we want to see you hack your way to a proposition that will increase the public’s contribution to charities once more!

Traditionally, charities have relied on running annual appeals in order to increase donations and publicise their causes. Often, these annual appeals have had a collections day, and have been a part of the public’s consciousness for years. Think the Chopper Appeal, or the Returned
Services Association (Anzac Day), you are instantly drawn back to the times you handed over some change and received a poppy or a sticker in return.

However, the medium of spending money is changing. Cash usage in New Zealand is declining year on year, and it is not so common to have
change rattling round in your pocket waiting to be spent.

This has seen donation values fall.

In data supplied by the Inland Revenue in 2015,  it shows the number of people filing a tax return to claim a tax rebate on donations has fallen year-on-year over the past three tax years, from 383,144 in the year to March 2013 to 359,541 in the 2015 year. Individual taxpayers can claim back 33 per cent of donations over $5. It is estimated that fewer than 60 per cent of donations are claimed.

Tax refund site MyTax analysed more than 300,000 tax returns and found the average total donations claimed had fallen to $761, from the
previous year's $841.

 Our challenge to you is we want to see you hack your way to a proposition that will increase the public’s contribution to charities once

Eligibility Criteria

The winner of the prize will be the team that comes up with the most compelling and deliverable idea that we can see having the greatest impact across all sectors of the public and charity organisations.

Award Sponsor


Projects for this award:

Project Title Team name Event location State, Territory or Country
Awol TopDown New Zealand New Zealand
ConcreteInk CONCRETEINK Wellington New Zealand
donateNow MJI Whanganui New Zealand Christchurch New Zealand
Giving App GenerousKiwi Wellington New Zealand
GoodCents The Bluth Company Christchurch New Zealand
GrantHunter Hakkety Yak Wellington New Zealand
Incremental Change The Fire Ants Christchurch New Zealand
Karma The Minorities Auckland New Zealand
myLocal Locals Auckland New Zealand Wellington New Zealand